Who needs help with professional writing?
Although I work in an office, I still need help with professional writing. I spend most of my day writing e-mails, invoices, and formletters to both clients and coworkers. Although professional writing is the strong basis of my current career, there are still things that I need help or assistance with.
I have found a great resource that could help everyone with their professional writing needs: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/681/01/

The following link is for the website, The Owl At Perdue. The Owl offers a free writing service available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The Owl provides help with such things as writing resumes, letters, memos, reports, and many other types of professional documents. There are so many resources on this website that I can’t even list them all! This is a must have for business professionals and college students. Take a look and see what The Owl has to offer you!
Another great resource I found is this video off of YouTube regarding writing professional emails.
I hope this blog post has been helpful and everyone succeeds in their professional writing goals!
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